Sunday, March 2, 2025


 Sometimes you might feel like you can do anything, feelings akin to omnipotence.  You might not be so aware of omnipotence as you are aware of wanting unlimited control and self-power.  You want more control.  To get that you need more power.  And so it goes.  This diminishes belief in any other power greater than you.  Not much use for a god or higher power.  If you don’t really have the control you want, and don’t become realistic about it, you create a scenario with you all powerful.  Alcohol is a great creator for becoming our own god.  You can drive drunk.  You can do rather unsafe other things, physical things.  You break your body, get DUIs and so on.  These are not solutions to giving up omnipotence.  Only surrender will do it.  Some would rather die first, and they do.  Today, I will try to accept my limitations, that is, I am a human being, not a god.  

1 comment:

  1. Love this and grateful for each sober day, which keeps me out of the "directors chair". 💫
