Friday, February 15, 2013

Tooth Varnish

As I get older my gums recede from my teeth.  It happens.  I brush.  I got to the dentist for cleaning.  It happens anyway.  Now there is new stuff to put on my teeth that coat the gums and protect the roots of my teeth.  I guess that in time we need these extras.  Is it not the same with the soul?  My soul recedes over time no matter what I do.  I say morning and evening prayer.  I do some retreat days during the year.  But as life moves on I need more because I am working with less: energy, strength, memory, concentration, to name a few things that are diminishing in me.  We actually age spiritually.  We cannot rely on the same old formulas to carry us along.  Thomas Aquinas lived off of Theology and Philosophy for quite awhile.  Then he said, "Enough of this."  Never wrote another word.  Saints who die young from disease or a hard life, never get to this "aging of spiritual practice" place.  I find that as a approach 70 I need to keep asking the Holy Spirit to guide me, and Mother Mary to watch over me, as I try to open myself to God on a daily basis.  "Become like little children," Jesus said.  Open to the new.  So I have new stuff in my mouth today.  Try it...before your teeth fall out, or the ones you have left.


  1. Growing older is not for the faint of heart!
    It takes courage and Grace to do it well...but then so does every life stage.

    By the way...
    Today on HBO (Channel 501 on Direct TV) is the showing of MEA MAXIMA CULPA-a documentary you don't want to miss!! Don't know what the time is on other HBO stations but very worth your while to find out.

  2. Oh, forgot the time 4:30pm RMT
