Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Needle's Eye Camel

People who are prejudiced against riches and wealth, often quote the Bible verse, "It is easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to get to heaven."  But the translation is not quite accurate.  The word that got translated as "rich" really means  "many things."  And the word "wealth" really means, "disposable things."  Now this bible saying opens up to a lot more of us who have garages and attics, and spare rooms full of "stuff."  It is not that money and stuff are innately evil.  It is that we try to ring happiness out of "things."  We tend to go down the road of worry about our stuff, and using up energy to get more stuff.  People accumulate wealth simply to have more of it.  So I have to ask myself, "What is the purpose of this stuff?"  What is the purpose of having more of the same stuff, and all the time and energy in gaining it.  Do not most of the things we accumulate bring us but a momentary happiness?  Then what?  Are we to become adults with more toys than we need or could use, but will not share with others?   Less may be more.

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