Friday, August 4, 2023


 What makes a saint?  I think they are tempted just like everyone else to bad behavior, and they may succumb as do many of us from time to time.  But what is different is what they do in service to others.  Lots of holy pictures show saints gazing at statures, or kneeling looking up into the sky.  Pious looks yes, but that did not make them saints.  It might have inspired them, but their response to the needs of the world around them is what made the difference, made them saints.  Gazing at holy things, sights, sitting in churches is supposed to lead to action, just as sitting at recovery meetings is supposed to lead to service.  A lot of “believers” want to sit and stare in their private devotions, but do not want to respond in action to the sufferings around them outside their holy venue.  Though we all have limitations, we have an underlying sanctity.  It is Grace and it is for the world, not to be ignored.  

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