Friday, November 25, 2011


Go see the movie "Hugo" in 3D. It is wonderful. Each of us is necessary. Each of us has a purpose. Grace is at work to help us find our purpose even when many things seem to be working against us. God is a grace in my life, who has made me with no unneeded parts. All of me has a purpose as I am now. If I am open, I will be shown my purpose. Maybe I am supposed to fix someone or some situation? Go see "Hugo."

1 comment:

  1. I saw Hugo 3D just last night. I loved the part where he said that no automoton comes with extra parts. They have all the parts they need. It was a reminder for me that I need to take better care of my parts. They were given to me in perfect shape and I've done a lousy job keeping those parts in good working order.

    Did you catch Martin Scorsese's cameo?

    Looking forward to your return to Boulder!
