Sunday, July 7, 2013


So some folks bring Jesus a guy who cannot walk.  Jesus says, "Your sins are forgiven." I think the stretcher bearers had a different priority.  But wait.  We live in a land that wants the freedom to pursue happiness.  Thomas Jefferson was for this.  But some things get in the way of our freedom.  A paralyzed person is not free to walk.  A selfish,  self-centered person is not free to love.  Which freedom would you choose to have?  A heart that cannot love is not free.  Only a truly free heart can abandon itself to God.  I have met many a person who climbed out of misery by abandoning themselves to their God.


  1. Fr. Terry, Can you expand or explain more deeply "a selfish, self-centered person is not free to love". I don't understand. Thank you,

  2. I think that selfishness prevents someone from being able to love. If you always come first then I think you will have a probelm being loving, especially as Jesus tried to show it. There has to be at least some give and take, compromises, and at times sacrifice for the sake of the other person.

    1. Thank you. I understand more!
