Thursday, July 25, 2013

Martha, Martha

Now and again a gospel story becomes part of the culture.  We call people Martha, who are very busy trying to do good things, but fret and complain that no one is helping them.  In the gospel story Jesus says to her that her sister, Mary, has chosen the "better part."  Does this mean that sitting around in quiet prayer is better than working to get important things done.  No.  It is not about comparison.  The better part refers to not complaining when you do whatever you are doing.  If in prayer, don't complain if you think God is not there or not answering to your request.  If you are working at some task, don't complain if no one else seems to deem your work worthy of their attention or help.  Complaining makes neither you nor the situation better.  I know.  I am a complainer.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous! Never heard the Martha story interpreted like that before. Thanks! And I'll remember it if/when I start complaining about something.
