Monday, July 21, 2014

Lace Up

If I want to go out for a run, an essential part of the run is to lace up my shoes.  Now if the laces are completely off the shoe, it will take some time, patience and effort to get the laces on.  If the laces are on but loose from a recent previous run, then I lace up much more easily.  It is much the same way with prayer and the spiritual life.  If I am completely separate from a life of prayer, due to neglect, upbringing, lack of interest, I am unlaced spiritually.  I need to find a prayer that fits me at this particular stage of my journey, just like a runner has to find the shoe that fits.  Then I need to set aside some time.  I will need patience and effort as I begin this life of prayer.  A daily dose plus a log or prayer journal might help too, just like a runner records their workouts…a serious runner of course.  You are serious about your initiation into prayer, are you not?  You might then want to find a coach or mentor, someone who has been there and can give you some feedback.  Of course, when my running shoe laces break, I just get angry with God.  It is better to have a second pair of running shoes, than to get angry with God.

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