Thursday, September 28, 2017


One of the things I like about Jesus is that he seemed to invite people to follow him who wondered if they were any good, or good enough parents, friends, lovers and so on.  Matthew is this fellow who was a tax collector in a world in which such endeavors were considered done by bad persons.  Matthew probably did not have high expectations of God's love.  Here comes Jesus and he says to the tax collector, Matthew, "Follow me."  Now, just as you are.  Then Jesus dines with Matthew.  Jesus was trying to model what he thought God was like.  God is Love.  Not love, as a response or reward for your shaping up to some rule, but simply love.  Matthew, with all his humanness, and imperfections tried to become love.  Does this not give you hope?  It does me.  You don't have to be a Christian believer to get this point.  The Wisdom figures in the world seem to see the divine as Love and it is unconditional.  I feel better already.  Maybe I can be a little bit of love today and so can you.

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