Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Yesterday I was at 8,000 feet altitude in short sleeves. Today it is snowing in Boulder, at 5,000 feet altitude. Sudden change. People are like that too. One day Jesus comes into town and the crowd is praising him at a Savior King. A short time later, same town, same crowd, crying, "Crucify him!" Never put too much stake into the mood of the masses. One day they praise you, and the next day they condemn you or are angry about something for which they blame you. People are like that, no?

Really close friends, the few, will be a constant, yes. But others? One day your boss, your child, your spouse, your co-worker, are saying nice things, even wonderful things about you. The next day? People are like that. When everyone says how wonderful I am, I enjoy it for today, but have no expectations about tomorrow. This way I don't spend time in disappointment.

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