Thursday, November 12, 2015

Spotlight and Brooklyn

Two movies are coming out nationally soon.  I saw them both when I was in LA this week.  "Spotlight" will show my church at its worst.  It is about priests preying on children that go reported by the Boston Globe back in 2002.  I don't know what the fallout will be for my church over this.  Wait and see.  There is another movie coming out at the same time, "Brooklyn."  It is a love story that begins in Ireland and ends in Brooklyn.  Among other things it shows my church at its best, helping its people.  When people had no phones and could not pay for a call anyway, who provided the phone and payed the bill?  When Irish wanted to come to America after WWII who found them a place to live and a job?  Who paid for their education so they could advance in our country?  Who fed the poor old-timers, the forgotten men who built our bridges and roads but were now destitute?  Who listened when there was no family around to listen?  It was my church at its best.  After "Spotlight" I have to remind myself that my church has done some wonderful things as well.  I take the good with the bad.

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