Friday, August 23, 2019

What Is Wrong?

Someone said that if something feels wrong, it usually is.  This applies to me.  My first notion about what is wrong is the "other" person is messing up, or the situation is all messed up and I bear the suffering from cosmic unrest.  This is because I have judged someone or some things.  I blamed the outside world, and felt powerless to fix it.  In fact, the other persons might be problematic and practicing bad behavior.  But will my judgment change them?  It has not to this day.  I want to be free of this "feeling."  I have learned to look at myself. What could use changing in me is my attitude and my lack of acceptance.  I can choose to change my attitude though the outsides stay the same.  I can accept people places and situations to be as they are at this time.  I cannot fix it.  So why be frustrated?  I am not God, who by the way, does not seem interested in fixing the world around me as I view it.  Attitude and acceptance have helped me in many a situation to feel better, and have a better day, while the world goes on as it goes on.  As long as I stay sane, I will avoid the truly dangerous.

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