Monday, February 3, 2020

Comfortable Convictions

Sometimes we believe something is true because it makes us feel good.  Such convictions work well for us, and thus we think we are right and anyone who differs is wrong.  If others who disagree are not so wrong or we are no so right, then we stop feeling good, and who wants that?  Most people don’t like to live in a grey area of anything where truth is not so settled and certain.  We are OK with making some statements about the galaxies since it does not so much affect our comfort zone.  Black holes don’t make or break my day.  But talk about religion, sexuality, politics and you get into heated argument.  These arguments are not about learning new information, or taking an open look at another stance or view.  Such arguments are about feeling more comfortable with one’s beliefs and therefore feeling more comfortable period.  Such a stance always seems to presume to know God, and there is a God, and to know what God is thinking and doing.  I prefer the mystic who experiences the Holy but presumes to know little.

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