Friday, March 20, 2020

The Flow Of Grace

The ballerina dances a prayer.  Her prayer is to let her soul, inner self, develop a sense of peace so that it will shine forth through the efforts and labors of her body that will then feel unforced and graceful.  It is discovering the divine or goddess within her and letting it come out in dance so that the audience is transformed, somehow being touched in their best center of self.  The ballerina is working hard but appears to be working not at all in her graceful movements.  She feels the flow and so she flows.  This is why ballet is rooted in a culture that has a God of love, always at our deepest center.  I think it began in Russia with its Orthodox mystical beliefs.  To dance the ballet is to be a mystic.  She becomes comfortable within her body so that she moves with an ease of existence.  People do not go to ballet to be entertained.  They go to be transformed.  Though ballet school is closed due to Covid 19, one can always practice at home.  The ballerina cannot skip dancing anymore than the mystic can skip meditation.  The ballerina is always becoming someone for others.  Quiz: Who sang “Tiny Dancer?”

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