Saturday, June 3, 2023

The Model

 Recovery groups are modeled on equality.  That is, members are in service to one another but on an equal footing.  Not so in the Catholic Church which is a hierarchy model where service is often vetted and approved from the top down.  In AA, equality works quite well because it is powered by a "group conscience" decision making based upon God or Higher Power being in charge.  In the group conscience members are asked what they want, what will be most helpful, what do they see as needing change.  This model is not afraid to confront bleeding deacons who think they know all or are especially gifted.  This group conscience model quashes the overblown ego, the insecure person who must lead to feel better about their self-worth.   Some will say, "Yeah, but the Catholic Church model has lasted 2000 years and counting."  Yes, but in AA mediocrity does not stay when faced with the challenges of the Big Book and other approved literature.  You grow or you tend to go.  Simply showing up, as if it were some obligation, will not bring sobriety much less transformation.  

1 comment:

  1. Growth in recovery is such a gift and leads to a deeper connection with Love in action.
