Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Pill

Why might religious groups who are against artificial contraception allow for it to be included in their health coverage for employees of their religious organization?  Well, it might prevent some abortions and unwanted babies.  If a person can get inexpensive access to contraception maybe they will be more likely to use than not use it.  Now abstinence might be your preferred option for these people, but many are simply not going to take that option.  In the real world stuff happens.  Given the human condition, lust, weakness, the libido, alcohol and drugs, people are going to have sex.  Now 40% of teens seem to do it without any protection.  Keep preaching abstinence, but have a plan B.  I can be against abortion but I do not expect people to act like saints.  So there has to be some give and take here.  Religion won't get all it wants, but it won't be "encouraging" sex by having the pill in its health coverage.  People don't have sex because the pill is cheap or free.  Would that there is a pill for loneliness, low self-esteem, fear of rejection, desire to be wanted at all costs.  Well, there is.  God is Love.


  1. You are right on. The best way to prevent abortion is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Connie Christiansen, Louisville, CO.

  2. Having attended one of your parish retreats, and being aware that your two "homes" are usually considered as the two most liberal cities in the Unites States, I am not surprised by your faulty perspective. Just dissapointed.

  3. Your moral reasoning is completely at odds with the Church -- which at 2,000 plus years has had more experience with the real world than you have. Plus you miss the point: The problem is the Obama administration is making the Church do something in opposition to its teachings (buy contraceptives and finance abortions). This coercion is the threat to our religious freedom. P.S. Abortions total over a million a year in the U.S. Good thing we got that Pill accessible (you can get it at any clinic in town, including People's at a discount) so as to keep the abortion rates down.

  4. Fr. Terry, you are so much wiser than so many priests who never consider the real world. Yes, a major way to decrease the incidence of abortions is to allow artificial contraception. People should not have babies unless they can physically, mentally, and financially care for them.

    1. Bella, this is heresy, both you and Fr Terry are aware of this. Set aside your arrogance and accept the word of God.

    2. And what word would that be? Judge not lest you be judged? :-) I'm glad you're reading Fr. Terry's blog. God's peace be with you.

  5. “Coming from God, going toward God, man lives a fully human life only if he freely lives by his bond with God.” from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition.

    For me, the key work here is freely. We are in harmony with God when we freely choose to live in ways pleasing to God. When we are living a God fearing life, then we are not lovingly participating with God in the gift he has given us. The Church provides guidance and council, but each chooses. When forced or coerced into “goodness” or “godliness” then is it pleasing to God?

    I think both sides are wrong - but with strong faith, the Church should follow the mandate of secular law and know that those with equally strong faith will joyfully follow the guidance of the Church.

  6. Wow! Nothing like the topic of sex to bring out comments. Have been away and am just catching up with the blog and find it amazing what became a non-issue for me 45 years ago is still hotly debated today. Thank God for the priest back then who asked questions and wasn't a "teller."
