Monday, August 13, 2012

Run With Horses

After last night's rain, I went out early this morning to run.  The ground was soft and smooth from the moisture.  The air had that wonderful aroma of morning after the rain.  As I jogged along I suddenly heard the sound of horse hoofs coming up from behind me.  A herd of beautiful horses came alongside me, running.  It was a wonderful sound and a beautiful sight as they passed me, about 20 of them.  What a spectacular morning this is. God is good.  Some people ask when I will return to Boulder.  Boulder?  I run with horses now.


  1. Father Terry,
    I love horses! Is there any room at the Abbey for me?
    "The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears". Arabian proverb

  2. Sounds like horse redemption - for the horse that crossed up-stream from the damn you were building...
