Sunday, December 29, 2013

Baby Sitter

I just discovered the latest in baby sitting culture.  I was at a children's event and standing next to me was a dad holding his two year old daughter.  She got a little fussy, so he sat her up on the floor in front of him.  Then he gave her his cell phone opened to all the icons.  I thought, "Oh, she will play with the pretty, colorful device for a moment or two."  NO.  She immediately scrolled through the icons to find the one she wanted, pressed it and got her download.  No older than two years.  Wow!  If priests are women in 30 years, they will be a lot smarter than me.  Come to think of it, if women were priests now, they would be a lot smarter than me.  But I think I could be a baby sitter now, if that is all it takes.

1 comment:

  1. Mindless baby tending - I think. So much distance, not much real interaction. Kind of like taking a baby in to the local church to be baptized or "done" - results without thought.
