Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Drinking Price

I bet alcohol, and lots of it, had to do with the racial chant of a frat group at Oklahoma University.  The University is properly upset.  They will punish the frat house, but I doubt the administration will do anything about drinking at frat houses or anywhere else.  But the frat boys stepped on an even more sacred cow: SPORTS.  What if top athletes in high school decide not to go to OU to play big time sports that generate huge sums of money for the school and chest thumping for the alumni?  It should be about race, but the first reported demonstration against the frat slur was by OU athletes.  You kind of expect white fraternities to be prejudiced.  I don't like it, but it does not surprise me.  Demon rum brought all this out into the open.  The elephant in the middle of the room just got drunk and is making us all look at something that is always right in front of us.  The god of sports will rise up against racism, though a lot of the energy to clean up this racism  will be about $$$.  We will see.

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