Thursday, December 28, 2017

The Judge

So you don't believe in God.  OK.  But why judge those who do believe?  You don't like being judged for not believing.  Just say, "My experience is different from their experience of spiritual matters."  If it makes you feel better to ridicule other people for their belief in God or some Higher Power, maybe you are not so comfortable in your own non-belief.  Or maybe you are reliving past scar tissue when you were put down or ostracised for your non-belief, in which case the past continues to be the present.  It is called resentment, re-sentire, to feel over and over again.  Yes, you will run into believers who think they have all the truth and you are damned.  But you don't care about being damned since there is no there there after you die.  If you let such people irritate you, then they control your emotions.  Be a loving person toward them.  They may very well be unhappy and insecure in their truth.

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