Friday, November 24, 2023

Dark Emotions

 We don't so much have dark emotions, but emotions in which we have no skill or too little skill in coping.  Someone we love dies.  We are overcome with grief.  We try to escape it, avoid it, dose it with some intake into our bodies, go to the gym, or just feel miserable.  There are grief groups that can help such a person to find the skill to deal with grief.  Grief won't go away, but we find out how to deal with it in a constructive way.  We learn to face it and learn from the emotion, the feelings of grief, loss, emptiness, and sadness.  We are not brought up, trained, to deal with the human condition.  Escape is for the unskilled and does not work.  Sadness does not deplete you. It is the energy one uses to avoid sadness that depletes.

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