Monday, November 6, 2023

Ego Death

Many people have a dualistic view of resurrection.  They think in a way that the ego never dies.  This would mean that God awakens us somewhere else into a distant future.  You don't become one with God.  The ego cannot be one with anything else but itself.  It is always living in duality, ego and God.  It would be a resurrection of the ego.  Rather, I like to think of resurrection as into a transpersonal unity with God.  Jesus said, "The Kingdom is within you."  Non-duality, Oneness, is always within me but in this life the ego gets in the way.  Mysticism touches on the truth of this inward reality and then we begin to see the world in a more holistic manner.   A bit of heaven on earth.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this explanation about ego & duality.
