Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 Darkness was never created.  It was just there.  In the beginning, as Genesis says.  The earth was not yet. There was just a formless void.  Nada.  Nothing.  There must be darkness before there is light.  "Let there be light," says the Creator.  God seems to be comfortable in darkness.  If you like Big Bang, the darkness was already there or here.  When the Divine went into human form, it started out in the darkness of the womb.  Darkness was the transition state.  So why do we hate darkness or fear it so?  Many people want God but only in their light.  Christmas midnight mass is spectacular for many people because it has so much light.  Easter Vigil much less attended.  Too dark.  Anyway, this is just another plug for meditation.  You are not alone in the dark.  God, Higher Power, Creator, Divine, One, Ultimate Reality, has your back.  

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