Thursday, November 16, 2023

Putting Off

 Sometimes we put off a good thing.  Life is going our way and we feel no negativity at the moment.  Feeling good, we postpone doing something that led to this serenity in the first place.  What we put off is for the purpose of not facing reality.  What reality?  That our shortcomings, bad behavior, and human flaws never really go away.  The inner demons never sleep.  This “Putting Off” can come especially when there is a change in our life: a new location, job, relationship.  The shift can affect our previous routines.  It is a slow motion relapse and soon enough it will gain enough strength to mess us up, take away those good feelings.  So why wait for bad stuff to happen again?  Stay with what worked to get you to a balanced emotional life.  


  1. I find this message ironic. A dear colleague may I say friend Milt Commons recently passed away and I remember stories that he told me of a father in the Catholic Church with my same name but in reverse he would ask me all the time to come to San Francisco so I could meet and have lunch with this man who shared my name I would always put it off but now he’s gone and I feel an obligation to share a meal with this man who my friend Milt wanted me to meet so much so I look up this man hoping to find a connection and this blog is the first thing that comes up truly ironic

    1. Milt Commons was also a friend of mine, and we were both active in the same church. Perhaps it is a blessing for you to have discovered Fr. Terry's blog. It ay have been his lasting gift to you.

  2. putting off is a daily problem with me on many levels from cleaning the kitchen to my prayer life.

  3. I need to go see George Morzinsk!
