Monday, September 2, 2024

Passenger Seat

 Meditation is a bit like sitting in the passenger seat while someone else drives.  The more you trust, the better the ride will be for you.  God is the driver and knows where to go.  You don’t know where to go nor how to get where God wants you to go.  What happens when you try to take over?  Self-will runs riot.  Acceptance is that you cannot drive from the passenger seat.  Let go and let God do the driving in your meditation.  If you think there is a barrier up ahead don’t worry.  God has it figured out.  Trust.  Not easy for many of us.  Sometimes meditation can feel “bumpy.”  So what.  Just stay with it in your passenger seat.  Don’t complain that things are not as smooth as you would like.  Life is not smooth.  Addicts try to make rough patches smooth but simply end up crashing.  Just meditate each day.  God is taking you where you are meant to go.  

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this and I hope you have a relaxing & joyful Labor Day 💕
