Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Me Work

Some say that the hardest relationship to work on is oneself.  What is so hard about working on me?  Put the brakes on who you are trying to be, that is not you, and just be yourself.  Not easy.  Culture, society, media and groups with who we associate, can have a big influence on us.  We can end up trying to be someone who is not our real self.  And while working on this “character” we spend no time on finding out who we are.   I think that to find out who I truly am, I need some spiritual reading from people who have figured out how to do this.  Then I need some meditation to bring me to this truer inner self.  But it is worth the work and often a lot less expensive than trying to be someone I am not.


  1. Love this, and that I don't end up behaving like a chameleon to suit someone else ❤️

  2. Any reading suggestions?
