Sunday, September 1, 2024

Whose Will?

 Many of the times that I pray for God’s will, I really want God to give me my will.  I want what I want.  I want Union, but union of God’s will and mine.  I want surrender, but God to surrender to my will.  I pray for my Giants to win the World Series.  Well, that ain’t going to happen.  Even that is beyond God.  When I get into this fix, I then try to begin my prayer with, “What is it I want?”  Name it.  Then turn it over to God and don’t pay my agenda much attention.  My meditation methods are to ignore myself.  My mess is that I think I am being still, while in fact, I am getting in the way of God.  Not God’s way, but just in the way.  I am my own stumbling block.  

1 comment:

  1. This happens sometimes to me, too. I try to be gentle with myself and let go ❤️
