Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Bar

 People don’t go to bars to drink.  They can do that at home.  They go to bars to meet friends, or out of loneliness.  Sometimes the meeting of friends is filled with an empty sense within us.  You need not go to a bar to meet friends.  You could meet a lot of other places and enjoy one another.  If I am with friends I don’t need a drink to loosen me up or relax me.  If I am all stressed from work, the drink will only be a temporary fix.  The work will still be there all stress-filled the next time I go to it.  Bars can be quite noisy, the most popular meeting bars, so you have to shout to be heard.  This is fun?  I would be a rich man had I learned this in college.  And applied it.  

1 comment:

  1. You and me both, Father Ryan! However, we're rich in other ways and that's a gift we don't take for granted ❤️
