Thursday, October 13, 2011

Means And Ends

There is growing talk in the Catholic Church about the changes in the Liturgy that will happen with Advent at the end of November. I try to keep in mind that this is an attempt to change a means, how we celebrate our mass, in order to reach an end, become one in Christ, be transformed by love. When we make the means the end, we get into trouble. We end up with a focus on the rule, the ritual, the correct way of doing things. Will all this lead us to Christ?

The rule that we are supposed to go to mass every Sunday was supposed to lead us to some end, transformation into Christ, to become what we eat. Did this happen? I think not. The Church focused on the missing of mass as a mortal sin. This is Pharisaism. Jesus challenged this attitude. The Sabbath is made for us, not we for the Sabbath.

So as all these rule and language changes come about in Advent, I try to keep in mind that we must still preach the Gospel. We must preach Christ, the cross, God's surprising love and forgiveness. The end is Deification, not some rule or rubric. When we focus on changing the liturgy and not the interior transformation of the person, we are pharisaical.

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