Sunday, November 25, 2012

Check Points

One moment you are saying good bye to a loved one at the airport.  The next moment you are dealing with security check points inside the terminal.  All those good feelings of love and sadness of parting are put onto a back burner as you face the daunting task of getting to your plane.  Prayer can be like that.  You have a wonderful experience of love in prayer, a sense of intimacy, and then you go out to encounter daily life.  The intimacy can be erased from the heart, to be replaced with exasperation at people, places and things.  Would it not be so much worse without the prayer?  A spiritual connection can give us a buffer, an energy, to not go crazy with all that we cannot control.  After all, we are not in the world to control it but to love it.  Some days are harder than others.  We never know which day will be more difficult, so the cultivation of daily prayer is all the ore important.

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