Monday, November 26, 2012


The ruler who condemned Jesus to be crucified was named Pilate.  The focus of his rule was convenience.  He wanted power and control and security for the sake of convenience.  He wanted his day to go according to his plans.  Jesus was not on the docket.  But here Jesus is, in front of Pilate.  What to do?  If Pilate were into justice, he might not have sent Jesus to be executed.  The cross was the easier, quicker way for Pilate, not so much for Jesus.

Jesus is a ruler too.  His rule is focused on love for others.  This is most inconvenient, as he will find out from the whipping and the cross.  Pilate takes.  Jesus gives.  One is self-imploded and the other is self-surrendering, self-giving.  The world of Pilate and Jesus is a mess.  Pilate just wants to get through each day with as little hassle as possible.  Jesus wants to love the mess.  Are you like Pilate? No, you say?  Do you not fib a little, cheat a bit, take more than is fair, ignore others, act unkindly, all to get through the day or the moment conveniently?  People, places and things are truly inconvenient at times, even a burden.  That is why love is called, "bearing your cross."  It is not Hollywood movie love.  It is not a cartoon.  Love or convenience is the choice.  What to do?  It depends on whether or not you want to be transformed, or at least have a sober day!

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