Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Square Knots

I learned to make a square knot in Boy Scouts.  It was the first and easiest of the knots they taught me.  I never learned much about why I wanted to make a square knot.  So I stopped making them.  No need.  Now there is a need, and I am a dummie who needs instruction again.  Why?  It is another skill a baling rancher needs to have.  When one ring of baling cord runs out, the end of that cord is tied to the beginning of a new baling cord ring.  It is done by a square knot.  Only square knots, properly done, can get through the baling machine.  Who knew in Boy Scouts, I would be an ordained hay rancher some day?  

I think of prayer.  You learn it when young.  Then no need, so you say.  You stop.  Live life self-propelled.  Mess up, or life just happens without your approval.  Now you are in a bit of a mess and want to pray.  But you forgot.  Ask for help from someone who prays.  Read a book on prayer.  Start simple, like making a square knot.  I need hands and fingers to make a knot.  You need faith that someone is listening.  My God even listens to whining.  It is a prayer, sort of.  It is a start.  Eventually, even you will be bored by your whining, and you will move along.  God is at work.  It is called Grace.


  1. Yes Yes, but I used to say a daily rosary and now nothing. I whine i whine

  2. love your knots --- do you know that when you tie your shoes with a square knot and not the granny knot you were taught, the laces stay tied and they look symmetrical. Learned that when I turned 75.

  3. Good analogy. Keep it simple. Trust.
