Saturday, September 21, 2013

Strangers In The World

In the First Letter of Peter, chapter 2, we are exhorted to live as strangers or pilgrims in the world rather than as citizens.  I get the idea of detachment here, but I find a problem with it.  We can get into this mentality that, "It is not my world" and feel no demand to care for the world.  Peter did not have ecology in mind.  Who did back then?  People who might tidy up their own living area, might just leave things a mess if it is not their place. Someone else will clean it up.  I try to think of those who will come after me, or those others who will also use this space in which I find myself.  In Boulder right now, there is a lot of cleanup.  Get out the work gloves.  Put on the face mask. Easy for me to say.  I am not there!

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