Friday, February 21, 2014


The reason that contemplative prayer is suspect goes back to the 1907 controversy called, "Modernism."  Briefly, in reaction to Kantian thinking (ain't I high falutin'), The church gave us Neo-Scholasticism.  OK, so this is not so brief.  The church said there are objective truths which we can know, unchanging and forever.  Read your catechism.  Kant said we need to focus on the subject, the person, who receives the truth.  Each person has their own filter based upon experience, culture and such.  With the church, you can know God objectively.  No relativism here.  With Kant, you can only know God through your filter.  You can only tell people about the God of your experience. The church says you just teach the catechism. Kant would say the catechism is a filter.  Finally, contemplative prayer says you know God by letting go of thoughts and concepts, that is, put down the catechism.  The whole 20th century growth in contemplative interest is because the church tried to shove down our souls, Neo-Scholasticism.

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