Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Final Generation

Here in Vero Beach, Florida, the weekday attendance is about the same as a weekend mass in Boulder, Colorado.  This is the last generation that goes to daily mass.  Florida is filled with Catholics who are retired.  They were brought up in a church that has vanished.  When this generation dies, churches will be pretty empty.  The children of these people don't have the same stuff to go to daily mass when they might retire, if they can ever retire.  Even if the church goes on an evangelization binge with some success, daily mass is a dinosaur.  A couple of times a month would be "regular" attendance.  The only people I know who are on a spiritual path with daily attendance, are in AA.  No mediocrity there.  Most church people younger than 50 have little hunger and have not known the darkness the way an addicted person has.  There is something to be said for a messy life, if you don't die before the light comes on.  Anonymous miracles are everywhere.


  1. Going to be in Vero Beach in two weeks. Where are you preaching Father?

  2. That's an interesting post. I found myself going to church for the first time in my life at 45 years of age. Now, my family and I go every week and are very involved. It fills a definite need. Don't give up all hope, Padre, there are still some of us out there.... and I feel like there are more waiting in the bleachers. - H

  3. Preaching at Holy Cross on the John's Island
