Monday, February 3, 2014

Southern Snow

It is snowing in Atlanta.  A lot!  I am supposed to fly through there tomorrow.  I am anxious, thinking worse case outcomes.  Why be anxious?  I cannot control any of this weather.  It is not in my hands.  Better to spend my energy thinking about why I decided to fly there in the dead of winter.  Decisions I make bring me to unexpected situations.  The snow is not mine to control.  The decision was.  My decision relied on a very nice clear day in Atlanta.  Sometimes, I play God but without the God power.  Then I get upset when things don't work out "as planned."  I ought to be praying for more sensible decision choices rather than better weather.  But being Irish Catholic, I will be praying for good weather to suddenly show up in Atlanta tomorrow.


  1. I will pray that you find good company and fine fellowship along your journey. I know all will be blessed by your presence. Have a joyous trip.
