Monday, August 14, 2023


If the deepest form of prayer is imageless and wordless, as many mystics in all paths say it is, I would not start there.  Your interest would be fueled by mere curiosity at best.  I have met many people who say they, “Used to practice” some form of mediation or spiritual way be in Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Karbala, Christianity, Islam, Sufism, you name it.  Desperation is what fuels the journey when things seem to go sideways, nowhere, or not in your plans for a better life.  Desperation can lead us to a better life, just not the one you planned.  I have never seen a drunk get sober in a Recovery program simply based on curiosity.  One must see the futility of where they have been.  A one week retreat may make you feel better, but will it make you “be” better as a self-less, loving person, of service to others?  Fortunately, I hit the desperation spot.  It was not fun.  But change never is, when you are all about yourself to begin with.