Sunday, December 3, 2023

Beg To Differ

In the First Letter of John in the New Testament of the Bible, John 1:5, it says, "God is Light and in him there is no darkness."  Well, this could be a bit misleading as is the statement that "we are called to be children of light."  How do you experience the Light of God, except against the darkness into which you are called by deep prayer.  First comes the darkness of Nada, Nothing, beyond  your thoughts, imaginings and fantasies.  In the darkness you let go of all this.  Truly dark.  Then the true light that is so much brighter in the deep darkness.  Then you become a child of light.  But first be a child of the dark.  Meditate.   


  1. Best way to start the day, after asking God to please direct my thoughts. ;)
