Friday, December 1, 2023

What Manages Who?

 We try to manage the dark.  When it gets dark outside, we put on lights, inside and outside.  We avoid darkness until we want it for sleep and then we might have on "security" lights or some low light to put to sleep the fears of goblins and demons, and monsters.  This is the first day of December, and in the Northern Hemisphere that means lots of darkness.  We are approaching Winter Solstice.  Why not take advantage of the darkness.  Let it manage you.  Lots of good stuff can come in the darkness.  We celebrate Christmas right round the most dark days of the year in our Hemisphere.  Santa won't come if it is light.  Santa works in the dark.  The red nose reindeer guides him.  God does great work in the dark.  Enjoy the dark or at least get used to it.  And save on electricity bills.  

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