Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hidden Hunger

Craving seems to come with any addiction. While a person is doing too much of something, such as alcohol, drugs, work, exercise, eating, they have a daily craving for their addictive whatever. I think this covers over a deeper hunger for Wholeness, The Divine, God, Peace, Oneness. Why? Well, when the person gives up their addiction, and the craving begins to lessen, they find that they have an empty space that is filled up by something more spiritual and less physical. They stop ingesting substances and begin to ingest quiet time, mediative readings, walks in a park. They learn to bond with others as they become better listeners.

If this is so for addicts, is it not so for all of us? We are made with a hunger for completeness. Some call this God, who has many names depending on how a person views their hunger for fullness. Nothing of the earth will satisfy. We can only cover over this deeper spiritual hunger with a lid of worldly stuff. When we overwhelm our day with plans and projects, this is just another lid. Are you lifting the lid yet today?

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