Sunday, March 11, 2012

Jesus and Divinity

Is Jesus Divine? Is Jesus God? The answer to this is very important to some people, but for reasons that are somewhat shallow. For some people, it is important to belong to the correct religion. If Jesus is not divine, then what is the point of being Christian. If jesus is divine then what is the point of being Islam or non-Christian? People who need catechetical or theological rightness to this question will defend or attack, whatever side is theirs. Why do I call it a shallow reason to want certainty in belief? My question is: does your certainty change your life? Does it transform you? Are you so much a better person, or reaching the full potential to what God made you because Jesus is Divine or not Divine?

We seem to fight the theological battle but not spend very much energy on the interior battle to become all God made us to be. Some of us like being right or correct, rather than being good. You can have a belief that the Eucharist is truly God, but never be changed much by the eating of it. You can read scriptures, and give some intellectual ascent or reasoned understanding, but not be much changed by the mental comprehension. Knowledge can be good, but it does not seem to have the power to make us good.


  1. "If The Eucharist is a symbol, to hell with it".
    Flannery O'Connor

    1. Yes, how true. But I suspect that many who receive, do not really believe it is God they are receiving. Real Presence as O'Connor believed, is not getting across to people as it once did.
