Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Newspaper

I go out the front door to pick up the morning paper lying on the ground. I look forward to reading "today's" news. Yesterday's paper is lying on the kitchen counter. I toss it aside. I am not interested in yesterday's news. When I look at news on my electronic gadget, if I had skipped checking for a day, I don't read yesterday and today. I delete yesterday and just read today. I don't live in yesterday's news when it is in the paper or on my gadget. So why would I live in yesterday's events in my personal life? Why rehash what I cannot change? It is yesterday's news and events. It is not even news today. To relive it in my mind is to live in a time that does not exist, the past. What can I do today? God is in today. The people I love live today. So I put yesterday's events into the recycle bin of my life, just like yesterday's newspaper, lest yesterday's events recycle in my head. Things recycling in my head can become resentments, from "re sentire" to feel over and over again. Yucky way to live!

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