Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Full Cup

Do you have a cup or jar into which you throw odds and ends, such as coins, paper clips, rubber bands and such?  The Spirit within us is like that cup.  We fill it up with all sorts of odds and ends; plans, regrets, resentments, fantasies, anxieties, and fears.  To enter into a deeper connection with God, we need to hollow out the cup.  How? Stop paying attention to the conversation that is going on inside your head.  Sit quietly or take a slow walk in a quiet place without a destination.  Read a little meditation book, maybe a page or just a few sentences.  You will know that the cup is getting hollowed out because you will feel some peace.  You might even begin to feel a connection with the world around you in which judgment is replaced by compassion.  It is a recess from craziness. It is a vacation from stress.


  1. Thanks Father, you continue to set me straight.
    Pray for Colorado!

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