Sunday, January 25, 2015

Big Family Blessings

Well now, the Pope says that big families are a blessing.  Well enough.  But then he goes on to say that poverty is not caused by numbers of people but by stuff like greed, distribution of wealth or lack thereof.  I still say there are too many people.  To make matters even more difficult, there are too few young to support the too many old, like me, in first world countries.  So we have a distribution of people problem as much as a distribution of resources problem.   Even if we were to distribute all the available food justly, would there be enough to feed everyone?  And in ten years from now would thee be enough?  The earth is a limited size.  Families seem to be bound by no limits.

1 comment:

  1. "No one can be at the same time a sincere Catholic and a true socialist" Pius XI, Quad Anno (1931). We all have our
    favorite Pope!
