Monday, August 17, 2015


The church has something called "merit."  It is based upon a very simple reality.  The good you do can benefit others.  God, the Infinite, has done infinite good in Jesus' life death and resurrection.  God will not run out of merits for us to use and share.  Even if you are a non-believer, every good that you do is a"merit" that someone else might make use of.  The good you do, or the good you are, is really your own divine self being all you were made to be, even if you don't believe in divine anything.  It is you being beneficial to others.  Here is how it might work.  You get up in the morning and meditate, do a bit of spiritual reading, go to yoga, a jog/walk.  You feel centered, whole, at peace.  You go into the office.  Everyone else is in a bad mood, negative, whining, and so on.  Your disposition catches on.  People around you pick up "good vibes," we used to say.  They take on some of your "merits" and their dispositions begin to change to something more positive.  Another example, is you go into a 12 step meeting and you are in a good space because you work the program.  Someone else comes in who is a bit of a mess.  They can pick up on your "merits."  They leave the meeting feeling better.  Another example, is your child begins to get cranky, but because you have done some good thing for yourself, they pick up on your "merits" and become less cranky.  So, if you take care of yourself on a daily basis, stay balanced, you will be able to affect others around you in a balanced way.  It is your Godness even if you don't believe in God.

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