Saturday, August 22, 2015


I read this somewhere, "Sodryity."  It remends me of the spiritual condition for many of us.  Sodryity refers to someone who is not drinking, that is, dry, but not doing much about improving their character, which is sobriety.  They could talk about recovery but they did not practice what they knew to be the correct way of living.  Priests, myself included, can talk about stuff, but we don't actually live it.  We can talk about the need for prayer, but not pray ourselves.  We can talk about the wisdom and demands of the Bible, but otherwise ignore such wisdom in our own personal lives.  I tend to judge people who do that.  But why?  Am I any better?  Are you?  I think it is better that I work on me, before I talk, so that when or if I talk, it will be from experience and not something I read from a book.  Is this what "Physician heal thyself," is all about?

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