Monday, February 26, 2024

The Seed

Look at a seed before you plant it.  The seed does not look like much.  But looks deceive the power that is within, the unseen power.  Now plant the seed in some soil.  Water it a bit or let the rain do it for you.  Without you seeing what is going on beneath the soil, the seed is at work.  It does not need to be noticed.  It works best unnoticed.  In its own time, the seed may sprout and grow.  You can work around it with weeding and maybe water, but the seed does the heavy lifting with the power it has.  On the spiritual path and recovery, the heart is like the seed.  Given proper care, it will sprout into our truest and best self.  Meetings, meditation, service, worship, reading, fellowship are all the weeding and watering.  But the power is within.  It only asks for a little cooperation.  We are born with a “Heart-Seed.”  Don’t drown it in booze or ego-centric false self.  

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