Friday, February 9, 2024

The Wrong Path

 Being on the wrong path is trying to find something, but on a path that won't lead to what you think you want to find.  For instance, drinkers are trying to find peace, serenity, acceptance, worth, importance and so on.  The path of drinking won't work but they don't know that.  They are sometimes referred to as "lost souls" which implies some spiritual aspect of their search.  Recovery is where the lost soul gets found and put onto a path that drops some of their wants, instills others, and gives them a less self-centered way to serenity, acceptance and peace.  It can happen in careers.  You go into the wrong career, job, trying to get certain goals, but that career, job is not a good fit for you.  A career guide, trusted friend, wiser person, gets you onto the right career, job, to help you become you and not the job.  People say, "I am sober, I am a lawyer, doctor, truck driver," but how is any one of these things making you the best you?  Without some spiritual part of this search, I just don't know.  

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