Saturday, September 1, 2012


Some celibates see their practice of this evangelical counsel as a means to be more free to serve.  Translate this into "being busy," in church work.  Such people simply burn out or turn to distractive activity to recoup the emptiness that develops within.  The reason for celibacy, as I see it, is for silence and solitude, so that we can learn to listen to God, away from our books, ideas and activities.  Now everyone needs some silence and solitude, though many do not know it and some are even scared by it.  Keep those iTunes playing in your earphones.  Plug in to noise.  A monastery is a place that tries to develop a lifestyle conducive to silence and solitude.  In the life lived in the world of media, television, print and computer info, and radio/gadgets, each of us needs to find a place and way to have some silence and solitude.  Will it drive you crazy?  At first, it will seem so, but in fact it is only God showing you how crazy your world of noise and activity already is.  In time, you will resonate with the quiet.  God made us for this too.

1 comment:

  1. Be still and know that I am God

    Psalm 46:10
