Tuesday, September 4, 2012


"Oh, he didn't have much to drink.  It could have happened to anybody," is what you hear when someone"nice" gets caught.  Well, examine this drinking thing.  Say you are having a nice meal with friends and you like a glass of wine that complements the food.  You drink your wine with the dinner.  The wine brings out flavors or adds something to the palate.  If you drink the glass slowly, this works.  Now someone offers you a second glass, but the meal is pretty much winding down.  So you don't get any added pleasure as relates to the food, by having this second glass.  So why do we take the second glass?  To change our mood, and when you do that the wine becomes a drug.  Drugs are to change moods, not to complement food.  That is why you get picked up on a DUI when you have had "only two drinks," as we say.  You are now driving with an altered state, or changed mood, that may be so subtle that you don't notice it, until you hit someone or something.

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